12 research outputs found

    Technical Systems, Organisation Forms and Social Implications: Statistical Analysis of the Firm Survey (Second Interim Report)

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    This is the second interim report of the research project "Information Society, Work and the Generation of New Forms of Social Exclusion" (SOWING). It is based on a firm survey conducted in the eight regions participating in the research project — Flanders (Belgium), Lazio (Italy), Niederösterreich (Austria), Portugal, the Republic of Ireland, the Stuttgart area (Germany), the Tampere region (Finland) and the West London area (U.K.). The aim of this report is to present a broad overview of the collected data. In general, only simple statistical methods have been applied. The report focuses on a regional comparison; however, the data have also been analysed by firm size, measured by quantity of staff, and industrial sector. It should be seen as a first step in the data analysis; it may also give some hints for a more strategic analysis of the survey data.Information Society; Work;

    Airway stenting in a child with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita: 13-Year survival.

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    We describe the case of a boy with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita. At birth, he experienced severe respiratory distress necessitating tracheotomy. Endoscopy done because mechanical ventilation failed to resolve desaturations disclosed severe tracheo-bronchomalacia. A Polyflex silicone stent was placed in the trachea (replaced by Y-Dumon stent) and 2 Palmaz metallic stents in the mainstem bronchi (overlapped with 2 Jomed stents 5 years later). Airway stenting guaranteed a suitable respiratory status and allowed a child who was expected to die at birth, to reach 13.5 years old in good conditions

    Technical Systems, Organisation Forms and Social Implications: Statistical Analysis of the Firm Survey (Second Interim Report)

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    This is the second interim report of the research project "Information Society, Work and the Generation of New Forms of Social Exclusion" (SOWING). It is based on a firm survey conducted in the eight regions participating in the research project — Flanders (Belgium), Lazio (Italy), Niederösterreich (Austria), Portugal, the Republic of Ireland, the Stuttgart area (Germany), the Tampere region (Finland) and the West London area (U.K.). The aim of this report is to present a broad overview of the collected data. In general, only simple statistical methods have been applied. The report focuses on a regional comparison; however, the data have also been analysed by firm size, measured by quantity of staff, and industrial sector. It should be seen as a first step in the data analysis; it may also give some hints for a more strategic analysis of the survey data

    Poveri a Roma

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    Roma, sistema di welfare, mercato del lavoro, politiche social

    Tempi moderni. Il welfare nelle aziende in Italia

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    Nell\u2019ultimo decennio il welfare italiano \ue8 stato sottoposto a profondi cambiamenti e stenta sempre pi\uf9. Accanto al welfare pubblico, e in parte a seguito delle sue difficolt\ue0, negli anni pi\uf9 recenti si \ue8 andato diffondendo un insieme di interventi che vede come attori centrali le imprese e, spesso, i sindacati. Sono sempre pi\uf9 diffusi fondi sanitari integrativi, programmi di pensioni complementari, asili nido aziendali e altri interventi volti a coprire un\u2019ampia serie di bisogni dei lavoratori. Il welfare in e tramite l\u2019azienda ha in Italia profonde radici: gi\ue0 nella prima parte del Novecento si erano affermate esperienze come quella di Adriano Olivetti. Ci\uf2 che sta avvenendo negli ultimi anni \ue8, per\uf2, in parte differente. Il welfare in azienda sembra legarsi sempre pi\uf9 ai temi della produttivit\ue0, delle scelte strategiche delle imprese, del ruolo dei sindacati, cos\uec come al futuro del welfare pubblico. Il volume si occupa di come in Italia si siano sviluppate tali forme di welfare, quale ruolo giochino rispetto al pi\uf9 generale sistema di protezione sociale e quali effetti sulla cittadinanza sociale tutto ci\uf2 implichi. Il welfare in azienda si presenta in maniera ambivalente: da un lato, dispensa interventi che migliorano la vita di molti lavoratori, cos\uec come promuove maggiore produttivit\ue0; dall\u2019altro, rischia di rafforzare disuguaglianze sociali, territoriali e fra categorie di occupati